

1. 提供免运费。免运费可以让你狂甩竞争对手几条街。尝试添加到你产品的价格里面并观察是否刺激销售增加转化,你会惊奇地发现上升,即使价格没有变。

Business-Supply.com 在他们的网店上添加一个免运费门槛(订单满$60免运费,90%订单次日收货),并且显著的在所有页面上广而告之。[ps免运费不稀奇,next day delivery比较难办到]


2. 提供在线帮助。网店经常流失客户是因为在结账环节卡住了。REL网站提供在线客服服务来让帮助人们顺利通过结账过程,并增加转化。


3. 开始每日一团。提供每日一团给消费者是不错的方法连接你的品牌和消费者,建立品牌忠诚度

4. 提供有效的订单跟踪。让你的客户更容易看到他们订单的状态,并且追踪物流。

5. 推荐客户可能喜欢的产品。亚马逊在这方面做得很好,给客户展示推荐的产品,这些都是根据过去的购买和浏览历史而来。

6. 提供365天保修政策。Zappos 提供一年365天保修政策。即使你的最终价格会比其他零售店要高,许多消费者还是喜欢一个大方的保修政策


7. Email中提供优惠码。促销邮件中提供特别优惠代码是非常棒的方法驱使人们来你的网店消费。

8. 提供礼物打包服务。当客户要购买礼物给远方异地的朋友,人们经常会来到在线零售店。请确保提供礼物打包服务选项。

9. 可以获得Email礼物卡。提供一种email邮寄礼物卡方式给客户,来让他们分享喜欢的商店给朋友们

10. 提供可定制的礼物卡。确保你能提供适用于各种场合的礼物卡。在亚马逊,客户可以添加照片到他们的礼物卡上面。


11. 有丰富资源譬如介绍视频。如果你有一个复杂的产品,介绍视频可以帮助人们理解如何使用你的产品或者服务,并且看到它的价值。Mybinding.com在提供介绍产品视频方面就做的非常的好。


12. 列出最畅销产品。如果有人熟悉你的产品,列出最畅销产品可以让他们更有信心去购买。

13. 远离隐形消费。添加隐形费用一定会让你失去重复购买的客户。(宰一次就跑路)

14. 让你的邮件营销广告过目难忘。现在的客户经常被各种电商email狂轰滥炸。团购站,品牌折扣公司,和大型零售店像亚马逊和沃尔玛都在争夺你的email,让你成为潜在的客户。你如何才能赢得这场战争?必须让你的客户觉得你不一样,令人难忘,并且值得拥有。

15. 通过社交媒体提供客户服务。许多用户转向Twitter和Facebook来抱怨关于产品和购物体验。要及时出现并响应,迅速地关心这些问题,并提供有效的解决方案。

16. 可以安全可靠的支付。人们想确保他们的个人信息是受保护。确保你展示VesiSign证书和其他安全证书。

17. 减少购物车混乱信息。确保客户在你的电商网站上面可以简单快速结账付款。

18. 杰出的客户服务。这是甩开竞争对手十条街的方法,确保你有迅捷的客户服务,可以去矫正客户抱怨。

19. 提供多种物流选择。出于各种原因,人们喜欢不一样的物流公司。请提供至少两个物流渠道选项。

20. 给新注册用户优惠折扣。要有效并且限定时间,这样可以制造紧迫感。


21. 当客户分享他们体验评价的时候提供赠券或折扣代码。不论是通过社交媒体还是博客,优惠码可以鼓励用户分享积极正面体验。

22. 迅速回应客户反馈。如果你没有在线支持,确保你可以迅速的回应邮件。如果你在他们还在购物时候回应,他们会很有可能完成结账过程。

23. 发送放弃购物车邮件。如果有人在购物中放弃了购物车,确保跟进一份邮件提供他们需要的帮助以便完成购物。

24. 提供交易只针对你邮件列表当中的人。保证这个交易知识针对你的邮件订阅者。(非邮件订阅者,网站上面看不到,入口在邮件里面)

25. 对取消服务的人提供特殊报价。如果有人决定不升级你的试用版产品,提供他们一个不能说不的交易。

26. 提供比较购物。允许用户比较相似的产品,以找到适合他们特殊需求地东西。

27. 针对忠实客户。给忠实客户提供特别交易来增加他们的品牌忠诚度。

28. 提供推荐奖金。如果有人引荐一个朋友到你的网站,给他们俩都提供下一次购买优惠吧。

29. 允许自动投递。Hearty pet让用户注册自动投递,这样他们可以对产品分期付款。对于那些卖容易腐败商品的零售商来说简直太棒了。


30. 网站上有社区论坛。客户帮助客户解决问题,向其他用户提问。这也是很好的渠道了解用户如何使用你的产品和方法,并且你可以改进它。

31. 填写一个迷人的“关于我们”页面。人们喜欢联系在那里购物过的公司。确认你的关于我们页面有效地传达公司愿景和任务,同样也要加亮你提供给客户的价值。

32. 跟进第一次购买客户。在客户完成购买之后发送一份邮件来跟进。回答提问并且感谢他们的购买

33. 鼓励用户评论。在客户试用他们的新产品之后,发送邮件给他们并邀请他们写一个产品评论

34. 支持慈善事业。并且让你的客户知道。现在的用户喜欢支持回馈当地社区的公司,他们都被视为有责任的零售商。

35. 礼物导购服务。梅茜的商店为有需要购买礼物给爱人,但不知道从哪开始的客人提供礼物导购服务。


36. 退款保证。如果你提供它,就要支持它,并坚持到底。

37. 低价保证。如果客户在其他地方找到更低的价格,调整成那个价格。这次销售你可能少赚了,但是你可以挽留你的客户继续在你的商店购物(而不是去其他商店)。

BestPricedFurniture.com 在这方面就做的很好:


38. 购买达一定数量免运费:一些业务可能决定了不是所有产品都可以免运费,实际上购买达到一定数量免运费,可以增加购物车的装载量。

39. 摆脱照本宣科的回应。当来到客户服务中心,人们想和一个真实的人说话倾诉,而不是让客户服务代表用被要求统一话术来机械地敷衍。

40. 发送生日赠券。在客户生日那天,发送给他们优惠码和特别交易可以确定使他们感觉非常特别。

41. 提供可以打印的礼物卡。当人们购买一个在线礼物卡,他们在最后一分钟可能就是确认他们可以打印出一个礼物卡用来当作礼物来亲自赠送。

42. 提供在线资源。HeartyPet 提供一个博客用来帮助客户了解宠物的常见问题并且如何修复它们。


42. 允许用户创建愿望清单。这样客户就可以保存他们想要稍后购买的物品。

43. 让购物变成享受。花时间对您的购物车优化,确保它很容易理解,让客户看得更直观。愉快的网上购物体验可以使你自己分离出来了。

44. 有知识丰富的客户支持。和针对用户需求推荐产品一样,确保你的客户服务员工可以回答产品的详细问题。无论是Live chat、email或者电话,这都是非常重要的。

45. 展示节约的成本。告诉人们通过使用你的业务,可以节省多少钱。

46. 陈列你的不容之处。你的公司总会有一些与众不同点。确保客户很容易看到,这样可以使你从竞争中脱颖而出。

47. 首页显示客户表扬信。Business-Supply.com又一次在这里做的非常好。


48. 在你的网站上添加一个销售区域,客户可以很容易进入。HUGO Boss就做到了:


49. 让你网站搜索比竞争对手做的更好。谷歌最近宣布他将会让小的零售商使用站内产品搜索功能。

50. 作为商业家,接触你的客户并且联系他。CEO接触并检查一个客户的体验是很棒的方法(PS:最好提供事先准备的好吃的东西或者赠品,或干脆说谢谢交流),可以留下深刻的印象并且找出有关您的顾客购买过程的重要细节。让它个性化并令人长时间难以忘记,那么你将获得一个长期客户。


50 Value Propositions for Ecommerce Retailers

Posted by CPC_Andrew on July 12, 2012 in Ecommerce, Featured


For eCommerce companies, one of the biggest marketing challenges can be setting yourself apart from the crowd. By creating effective value propositions, you can help customers understand what makes you different—and also increase conversions and drive more revenue. Using some of these 50 value propositions can help you effectively compete in today’s competitive market, without necessarily having to lower the price of your product or service.

Here are 50 tried and tested value propositions to increase conversions and customer lifetime value.

50 Value Propositions for Online Retailers

1. Offer free shipping. Free shipping can help set you apart from competitors. Try adding it into your product prices and see if it increases conversions, you might be surprised from the lift even if product prices stay static.

Business-Supply.com added a free shipping threshold to their webstore and advertise it prominently on all web pages:


2. Have live help. Often eCommerce stores lose business when customers get stuck checking out. REI offers live help to help people get through the checkout process and increase conversions.


3. Institute a deal of the day. Offering consumers a deal of the day is a great way to connect consumers with your brand—building brand loyalty.

3. 开始每日一团。提供每日一团给消费者是不错的方法连接你的品牌和消费者,建立品牌忠诚度

4. Have effective order tracking. Make it easy for customers to view the status of their orders, and track shipping.

4. 提供有效的订单跟踪。让你的客户更容易看到他们订单的状态,并且追踪物流。

5. Recommended items customer may like. Amazon does a great job of showing customers items that are recommended based on past purchases and browsing history.

5. 推荐客户可能喜欢的产品。亚马逊在这方面做得很好,给客户展示推荐的产品,这些都是根据过去的购买和浏览历史而来。

6. Have a 365-day return policy. Zappos offers a 365-day return policy. Even if your prices end up being a bit higher than other retailers, many consumers will appreciate a generous return policy.

6. 提供365天保修政策。Zappos 提供一年365天保修政策。即使你的最终价格会比其他零售店要高,许多消费者还是喜欢一个大方的保修政策


7. Offer coupon codes in emails. Offering special coupon codes in promotional emails is a great way to drive people to your eCommerce store.

7. Email中提供优惠码。促销邮件中提供特别优惠代码是非常棒的方法驱使人们来你的网店消费。

8. Provide gift-wrapping. When buying gifts for out of town friends, people often turn to online retailers. Be sure to offer a gift-wrapping option.

8. 提供礼物打包服务。当客户要购买礼物给远方异地的朋友,人们经常会来到在线零售店。请确保提供礼物打包服务选项。

9. Have email gift cards available. Provide a way for customers to share their favorite stores with friends via email gift cards.

9. 可以获得Email礼物卡。提供一种email邮寄礼物卡方式给客户,来让他们分享喜欢的商店给朋友们

10. Offer customizable gift cards. Make sure that you offer gift cards for a variety of occasions. At Amazon, customers can insert a photo to customize their gift cards.

10. 提供可定制的礼物卡。确保你能提供适用于各种场合的礼物卡。在亚马逊,客户可以添加照片到他们的礼物卡上面。


11. Have resources like informational videos. If you have a complicated product, informational videos can help people understand how to properly use your product or service and see the value it can provide. MyBinding.com does a great job of setting up informational product videos for it’s customers:

11. 有丰富资源譬如介绍视频。如果你有一个复杂的产品,介绍视频可以帮助人们理解如何使用你的产品或者服务,并且看到它的价值。Mybinding.com在提供介绍产品视频方面就做的非常的好。


12. List best sellers. If someone is unfamiliar with your product, listing best sellers can help them have confidence in their purchase.

12. 列出最畅销产品。如果有人熟悉你的产品,列出最畅销产品可以让他们更有信心去购买。

13. Stay away from hidden charges. A surefire way to lose repeat customers is to add hidden charges.

13. 远离隐形消费。添加隐形费用一定会让你失去重复购买的客户。(宰一次就跑路)

14. Make your email marketing campaign unforgettable. Customers are inundated by emails from all sorts of retailers these days. Deal a day sights, discount clothing aggregation companies, and big retailers like Amazon and Walmart are competing with your emails that go to prospective customers. How do you win that war? You have to be different, unforgettable, and desirable to your customers.

14. 让你的邮件营销广告过目难忘。现在的客户经常被各种电商email狂轰滥炸。团购站,品牌折扣公司,和大型零售店像亚马逊和沃尔玛都在争夺你的email,让你成为潜在的客户。你如何才能赢得这场战争?必须让你的客户觉得你不一样,令人难忘,并且值得拥有。

15. Provide customer service via social media. Many customers turn to Twitter and Facebook to voice complaints regarding products and shopping experience. Be present and respond promptly to concerns, offering effective solutions.

15. 通过社交媒体提供客户服务。许多用户转向Twitter和Facebook来抱怨关于产品和购物体验。要及时出现并响应,迅速地关心这些问题,并提供有效的解决方案。

16. Have a secure way of accepting payments. People want to make sure their personal information is protected. Make sure you display your VeriSign and other secure badges.

16. 可以安全可靠的支付。人们想确保他们的个人信息是受保护。确保你展示VesiSign证书和其他安全证书。

17. Decrease shopping cart confusion. Make sure it’s easy for customers to checkout via your eCommerce site.

17. 减少购物车混乱信息。确保客户在你的电商网站上面可以简单快速结账付款。

18. Have excellent customer service. One way to set yourself apart from your competition is to make sure you have prompt customer service that goes above and beyond to rectify customer complaints.

18. 杰出的客户服务。这是甩开竞争对手十条街的方法,确保你有迅捷的客户服务,可以去矫正客户抱怨。

19. Offer a variety of shipping options. For various reasons, people prefer different shipping companies. Offer at least two options of different carriers.

19. 提供多种物流选择。出于各种原因,人们喜欢不一样的物流公司。请提供至少两个物流渠道选项。

20. Give customers discounts for signing up for your newsletter. Have it valid for a limited time to increase urgency.

20. 给新注册用户优惠折扣。要有效并且限定时间,这样可以制造紧迫感。


21. Offer coupons or discount codes when customers share their experiences. Whether it’s via social media, or blogs—coupon codes can encourage customers to share positive experiences.

21. 当客户分享他们体验评价的时候提供赠券或折扣代码。不论是通过社交媒体还是博客,优惠码可以鼓励用户分享积极正面体验。

22. Respond to feedback promptly. If you don’t have live support, make sure that you respond to emails promptly. If you can respond while someone is still shopping, they’re much more likely to finish the checkout process.

22. 迅速回应客户反馈。如果你没有在线支持,确保你可以迅速的回应邮件。如果你在他们还在购物时候回应,他们会很有可能完成结账过程。

23. Send abandoned cart emails. If someone abandons their cart mid-checkout, be sure to follow up with an email offering resources if they need help completing their purchase.

23. 发送放弃购物车邮件。如果有人在购物中放弃了购物车,确保跟进一份邮件提供他们需要的帮助以便完成购物。

24. Offer deals just to people who are on your email distribution list. Make sure it’s clear that the offer applies just to those who are email subscribers.

24. 提供交易只针对你邮件列表当中的人。保证这个交易知识针对你的邮件订阅者。(非邮件订阅者,网站上面看不到,入口在邮件里面)

25. Have specific offers for people cancelling service. If someone decides not to upgrade after a trial version of your product, offer them a deal that they can’t say no to.

25. 对取消服务的人提供特殊报价。如果有人决定不升级你的试用版产品,提供他们一个不能说不的交易。

26. Offer comparison shopping. Allow customers to compare similar items to find something that fits their needs specifically.

26. 提供比较购物。允许用户比较相似的产品,以找到适合他们特殊需求地东西。

27. Target loyal customers. Giving special deals to loyal customers will increase their brand loyalty.

27. 针对忠实客户。给忠实客户提供特别交易来增加他们的品牌忠诚度。

28. Offer referral bonuses. If someone refers a friend to your site, offer both people a discount on their next purchase.

28. 提供推荐奖金。如果有人引荐一个朋友到你的网站,给他们俩都提供下一次购买优惠吧。

29. Allow automatic delivery. Hearty Pet lets users sign up for automatic delivery so they’re sort of on a payment plan with products. This is awesome for sellers with perishable goods.

29. 允许自动投递。Hearty pet让用户注册自动投递,这样他们可以对产品分期付款。对于那些卖容易腐败商品的零售商来说简直太棒了。



30. Have community forums on your site. It can be helpful to have forums for customers to help other customers troubleshoot issues and ask questions to other users. It’s also a great way to learn how people are using your product and ways you can improve.

30. 网站上有社区论坛。客户帮助客户解决问题,向其他用户提问。这也是很好的渠道了解用户如何使用你的产品和方法,并且你可以改进它。

31. Write an engaging ‘about us’ page. People like to connect with companies they buy from. Be sure that your about us page effectively communicates your companies vision and mission—as well as highlights the value you offer customers.

31. 填写一个迷人的“关于我们”页面。人们喜欢联系在那里购物过的公司。确认你的关于我们页面有效地传达公司愿景和任务,同样也要加亮你提供给客户的价值。

32. Follow-up with first-time customers. Send an email following up with customers after their first purchase. Offer to answer questions and thank them for their order.

32. 跟进第一次购买客户。在客户完成购买之后发送一份邮件来跟进。回答提问并且感谢他们的购买

33. Encourage people to write reviews. Send emails to customers after they have had a chance to try out their new product and ask them to write a product review.

33. 鼓励用户评论。在客户试用他们的新产品之后,发送邮件给他们并邀请他们写一个产品评论

34. Support charities. And then let your customers know. Today’s consumers like to support companies that they view as responsible retailers who give back to local communities.

34. 支持慈善事业。并且让你的客户知道。现在的用户喜欢支持回馈当地社区的公司,他们都被视为有责任的零售商。

35. Gift guide. Macy’s offers a gift guide for people who need to buy a gift for a loved one, but aren’t sure where to start.

35. 礼物导购服务。梅茜的商店为有需要购买礼物给爱人,但不知道从哪开始的客人提供礼物导购服务。



36. Money back guarantee. If you’re going to offer it, make sure you stand by it.

36. 退款保证。如果你提供它,就要支持它,并坚持到底。

37. Low price guarantee. If customers find a lower price somewhere else, honor that price. You may make less on the sale, but you’re keeping the customer shopping at your store.

BestPricedFurniture.com does this well:

37. 低价保证。如果客户在其他地方找到更低的价格,调整成那个价格。这次销售你可能少赚了,但是你可以挽留你的客户继续在你的商店购物(而不是去其他商店)。

BestPricedFurniture.com 在这方面就做的很好:


38. Free shipping over a certain amount: Some businesses may decide that free shipping on all items isn’t feasible. However, even offering free shipping over a certain amount can help increase average cart size.

38. 购买达一定数量免运费:一些业务可能决定了不是所有产品都可以免运费,实际上购买达到一定数量免运费,可以增加购物车的装载量。

39. Get rid of scripted responses. When it comes customer service, people want to speak with a real person—customers can tell, when customer service representatives are required to stick to a script.

39. 摆脱照本宣科的回应。当来到客户服务中心,人们想和一个真实的人说话倾诉,而不是让客户服务代表用被要求统一话术来机械地敷衍。

40. Send coupons on birthdays. Make sure customers feel special by sending them coupons and special offers on their birthday.

40. 发送生日赠券。在客户生日那天,发送给他们优惠码和特别交易可以确定使他们感觉非常特别。

41. Offer printable gift cards. When people buy a gift card online, chances are they are doing it last minute. Make sure they can print out a gift card to present it as a gift in person.

41. 提供可以打印的礼物卡。当人们购买一个在线礼物卡,他们在最后一分钟可能就是确认他们可以打印出一个礼物卡用来当作礼物来亲自赠送。

42. Provide online resources. HeartyPet offers a blog that helps it’s customers understand common problems with pets and how to fix them.

42. 提供在线资源。HeartyPet 提供一个博客用来帮助客户了解宠物的常见问题并且如何修复它们。


42. Allow customers to create wish lists. They can save items they want to purchase later

42. 允许用户创建愿望清单。这样客户就可以保存他们想要稍后购买的物品。

43. Make shopping enjoyable. Spend time on your shopping cart—make sure it’s easy to understand and intuitive for customers. You can set yourself apart by making the online shopping experience enjoyable.

43. 让购物变成享受。花时间对您的购物车优化,确保它很容易理解,让客户看得更直观。愉快的网上购物体验可以使你自己分离出来了。

44. Have knowledgeable customer support. Make sure your customer service staff can answer specific questions about products, as well as make recommendations based on customers’ needs. This is important whether it’s live chat, email or by phone.

44. 有知识丰富的客户支持。和针对用户需求推荐产品一样,确保你的客户服务员工可以回答产品的详细问题。无论是Live chat、email或者电话,这都是非常重要的。

45. Show cost savings. Demonstrate how people can save money by using your business.

45. 展示节约的成本。告诉人们通过使用你的业务,可以节省多少钱。

46. Showcase how you’re different. There’s something unique about your company. Be sure it’s easy for customers to see what sets you apart from your competition.

46. 陈列你的不容之处。你的公司总会有一些与众不同点。确保客户很容易看到,这样可以使你从竞争中脱颖而出。

47. Show customer testimonials on your home page. Again Business-Supply.com does a great job of this:



48. Add a sales section to your website that customers can easily get to. HUGO Boss makes it easy:

48. 在你的网站上添加一个销售区域,客户可以很容易进入。HUGO Boss就做到了:


49. Make your site search better than your competition’s. Google just announced it’s letting smaller sellers use it’s in-site product-search feature.

49. 让你网站搜索比竞争对手做的更好。谷歌最近宣布他将会让小的零售商使用站内产品搜索功能。

50. As the business owner, reach out to your customers and connect. Having the CEO of a business reach out and check in on a customer’s experience (and offer goodies or freebies beforehand or to say thanks for talking to you) is a great way to leave a lasting impression on a customer and find out important details about your customer’s buying process. Make it personal and memorable for a long time and you’ll be sure to have created a long-term customer.

50. 作为商业家,接触你的客户并且联系他。CEO接触并检查一个客户的体验是很棒的方法(PS:最好提供事先准备的好吃的东西或者赠品,或干脆说谢谢交流),可以留下深刻的印象并且找出有关您的顾客购买过程的重要细节。让它个性化并令人长时间难以忘记,那么你将获得一个长期客户。

What other value propositions would you add to the list? How can companies effectively set themselves apart in today’s competitive eCommerce marketplace?


原文地址:50 Value Propositions for Ecommerce Retailers



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